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The Wardrobe Department (Doll Clothing Makers)

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  • 1 month ago
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Resources and Patterns

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    • #53806

        Here’s where we can share links to resources and patterns to help each other out. Please be mindful of the site rules!

        I’m going to start off by linking Chelly Wood: She has a large selection of free patterns for various doll body types, as well as some tutorials, and some (reasonably priced!) paid courses for those who want to get into more advanced stuff. Her website is a wonderful resource and I highly recommend it.

      • #54409

          I highly recommend Requiem Art Designs, who’s celebrating their 10th anniversary with a free pattern and a new URL:

          The patterns are labeled by skill level, and include workarounds for sewing on a small scale that make the clothes look more polished than they would if one were to sew the same way as for people. I find a 1/4″ seam allowance easier to work with by machine than 1/8″, so just cut the pattern with that much more on each seam edge. A sewing machine isn’t necessary, and some parts do work better by hand. The Sizing Charts are useful for scaling a pattern up or down if it doesn’t come in your doll’s size. With some experience, it’s fairly easy to make other outfits by mixing and matching parts of different RequiemArt patterns.

          • #54444

              Dang, that’s awesome! Their frock coat pattern will certainly come in handy if I ever get around to doing an Alucard custom…

          • #80766

              Is there a list anywhere for fabrics to use on doll scale? I know the way fabric lay and the thickness of it can be very different on a smaller scale so I was wondering if there was a resource that goes into detail with this.

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