14 thoughts on “Turma da Mônica Jovem 2009 Fashion Doll Review (brazilian dolls)”

      1. Yes!! I’m brazilian and have the plastic hair Monica, Marina and Magali!!
        I’m so happy seeing people talk about them, I think they’re so interesting〜
        seeing the box and all is so nostalgic ( ;∀;)
        and I never saw these prototypes, so cool!

        I don’t have them out with me right now but let’s see:
        my Marina’s hat just dissolved I think, I don’t have it around anymore
        Marina and Magali’s hair did indeed fell, and I always thought it was my fault because I was too curious and took it off to see how it was glued
        ah, I never knew about the possible swappable shoes (。・・。)
        all their bags are… is flocking out the term? like the outer shell is falling something like that :v

        so there’s my report about what can happen with these over the time I guess, haha

        I’m sorry if I talked too much in one go, but it’s so exciting finding a place where they’re known!!

        1. Thanks for the reply! I’m also brazilian! Did you buy them back on their release or after?

          I saw mentions of the bags peeling so I’m expecting mine to fall off as well. Looking at how Marina was in the package she looked like her hair would fall off even before being removed from it, so it was for sure not your fault 😅

          And it’s fine! Having more information on them is good )b

          1. I hear you can do a few things to keep that sort of material from peeling! I hear Americans use modge podge to seal leathery doll clothing. Maybe look up some options ❤️

          2. on their release!!
            i did NOT like dolls at that time
            but i was a huge tm/tmj fan so i guess i didn’t want to miss it out, haha ~

  1. I had no idea these came out! It’s sad to hear they are overpriced nowadays, I really like their faces and their different sizes! Really cute. I might look them up (: thanks for sharing!! fellow brazillian here <3

    1. I didn’t know either until last year while looking some listings when one of them came up. You’re welcome!

      Mônica is the one that is a bit easier to find at a “lower” price compared to the others, sadly it’s still higher than her original release price. And also brazilian \o

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