9 thoughts on “Downsizing Collection”

  1. I get it. I need to do the same. I usually start with duplicate dolls/toys in my collection. Selling those doesn’t hurt as much since I still have the item in my collection. If you don’t have any duplicates, then I would just pick a line that just isn’t doing it for you anymore and go through each one. If you feel “meh” about it, put it away somewhere for a while, then look at it again. If you feel the same, it’s time to rehome it.

    As for the actual selling, I’ve sold on eBay and Mercari. They both have their pros and cons, and because these platforms charge fees, that does cut into the amount you will receive. Semi-pro tips: if you plan to ship, it’s best to have the packaging ready and weighed, so you know how much shipping to charge. That may change if someone purchases multiple items from you, but at least you will have a baseline for each listing. I have been burned by not charging enough shipping, and then you are at the mercy of the shipper as to what the extra fees are. It can be exorbitant. I lost money on a doll once because I didn’t charge adequate shipping. Hope this helps!

  2. I totally understand your dilemma. I try to keep my “non main” dolls and toys in boxes, but I did sell some of them to get money and space. I usually don’t regret it, especially if I have enough memories and pictures with them. But I try to choose the ones I don’t use anymore. If I feel I’m not enjoying taking photos or doing restyles with a doll/toy, I just put it on sale. Thinking about what you want to do with the money might help.

    I don’t regret any sales I made, except my Enchantix Musa from Mattel, years ago, and sometimes my old Monster High dolls. But it was never like : “I’m so stupid ! Why did I do that !?”

      1. <3 I'm going to try to take a picture of each doll in my collection, to see if I connect with them and whether I like photographing them. Hoping it will help make it clearer which dolls I can let go of. And challenge me creatively!

  3. Hi! When I downsized my barbies a few years ago, I made sure to compare similar dolls and pick the one I liked the most. I also thought a lot about which ones brought me the most joy from owning them: being able to display them in different ways, styling them, and pairing them with my other dolls. Think about what you value most in a doll, and find which ones adhere to those standards. If you really struggle to get rid of a doll, don’t force yourself to do it. Only sell dolls you are SURE you’re ready to let go of.

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