6 thoughts on “USER POST: What are some doll brands you wish got more love in the community?”

  1. It’s the first time I see Bleeding Edge Goths, they look super cool !

    According to me, the Glo-Up Girls dolls deserve more love. Between the first and second line, the improvement was already super strong !

  2. Kurhn dolls for me ? They are like the most well-known chinese doll playline, but outside of China, they don’t receive much attention….
    Also Lost Angels by Volks. A japanese doll line that unfortunately never achived much love worldwide. I’m planning to get myself one at the moment. Though It’s bit complicated, because the line started in the early 2000s and was active up to like mid 2000s ?

  3. i love j-dolls! they’re so stunning i hope to own one someday

    for me it’s definitely juku couture, i think they’re beautiful and well made dolls, so so cute too. i accidentally broke the neck peg on my one juku couture doll though :/ hopefully i can fix her someday! i hope i can collect more in the future too

  4. Well thanks to this post, I fell in love with the Bleeding Edge Goths and are this ?? close to purchase 3. ?
    Didn’t know them before, so I’m glad this post exist.
    One I really like is the Dream Ella Extra Iconic Mini (what a name).
    Never heard anyone talk about them, but their so cute. ?

  5. Even though their fabric and hair quality isn’t the best, I wish more people knew about Wild Hearts Crew. I love the stylized proportions, the face ups, the general style. I wholeheartedly believe they had so much potential and Mattel just didn’t go all the way despite doing so in other areas (ex. fashion packs, the little activity books inside, having at least one character with a whole new body mold, etc.).

    I would’ve loved to see a second wave with some new characters at the very least </3

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