If you would like to contribute please contact us.
Database section
_ The primary purpose of Dollect is to serve as an archive of all things toys! Our primary focus is, of course, dolls and our reasoning for that is that dolls are not well documented in general with few exceptions. Our goal is to create an easy and free-to-use resource for accurate and complete information about dolls. If you’d like to help out with our constantly growing database or spot incorrect or incomplete information- please let us know or join our team!In order to keep our database easy to navigate and relatively consistent there are some guidelines to keep in mind. Because every doll line is different and will require different considerations, there is no one “ideal” for any section of the database. We’d like to keep some things consistent for user-friendliness! If you are taking part in the database please make sure to keep the below ideals in mind:
General standards
There are general standards to keep in mind that may not be immediately obvious. Because people from different cultures or with different expectations may gather information using this site, please try your best to abide by the following standards:Date format: MONTH DD, YYYY ex: June 14, 2023 or Nov 2, 2014 | DO NOT DO THIS: 1/2/12 (Is the year 2012 or the year 12? Is the month January or February? Unclear.
Brand page banners
Brand page banners are the banners that show on the database landing page! There are multiple functions of these banners: to at-a-glance allow people to see what a doll line looks like, to allow anyone to easily identify the line a doll is from using only the banner and to attract readers’ attention. In order to achieve this goal banners should be visually interesting (non-transparent and non-blank backgrounds are strongly encouraged) and show a good amount of the variation within a doll line. The Pullip Family example shown above depicts a good amount of the different character face sculpts within the line which being visually appealing and showing the name of the line. This makes a very user friendly experience. For smaller, simpler doll lines with less variation (like Hello Kitty and Friends shown above) this is much easier to achieve. There will be other avenues for identifying dolls on-site so don’t expend too much mental energy in this area! If you need help feel free to make a request to the graphics team on the Dollect Discord!Brand landing pages
Brand landings are the pages that the brand page banners link directly to! The purpose of these pages is to include as much information as possible about a doll line at a glance. Included on these pages should be all dolls in a line, official imagery, user-uploaded content and official videos (for large brands with 500+ dolls you may want to link to separate page landings-this is not preferred for smaller doll brands). You may also include other sections as you see fit such as prototype information, doll reviews or whatever else you can imagine. For some doll lines it may be necessary to include many different options for how to search for a doll. For example, the Barbie brand landing features searches by face sculpt, year of release, line, theme and character.You are welcome to copy and use any brand landing page that you like from elsewhere on the site. I do not provide a set standard layout for these pages as different brands will have different needs.
If nothing else, PLEASE include the following MANDATORY ELEMENTS: