1998 Bath Boutique Barbie (Brunette)

Sources: Worthpoint, Ebay Listing

Product description

“Have bubble fun with Barbie doll in the bath!” 

This doll includes a bubble bath solution (2 fL oz.) to make bubble baths with. 

There are three dolls in the Bath Boutique line, but this version (Brunette) seems to only be found in the second variant plastic packaging- named the “Play ‘n Tote Package”- meanwhile the Blonde and AA dolls have cardboard and plastic packaging variants. It’s unsure whether or not a cardboard packaging variant of the Brunette exists, if you know of one: please comment below and let us know! 

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Release Date1998
Face Sculpt1991 Bob Mackie
Body SculptUnknown
Hair TypeUnknown
Hair ColorBrown
Eye ColorBrown
Skin ToneUnknown
Mattel SKU22359

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