Be Fashion Academy

Be Fashion Academy is a doll brand by US & Hong Kong based company Kids Hits. It was unveiled at the New York 2023 Toy Fair. The dolls were released in October 25, 2023, at first being sold through the company’s website; this was followed by an Amazon & Walmart launch in November 17. They were also sold at several stores in Ukraine.

Be Fashion Academy dolls are about 11 in. tall. They have 10 points of articulation, eyelashes, and acrylic eyes. Their bodies are extremely similar to Kurhn, leading some people to speculate they are made with Kurhn factory parts.

Each doll is packaged with a mannequin and an extra outfit with a character-specific fashion design gimmick.

After launching, the brand faced some backlash for the whitewashing of some characters. Kids Hits responded by stating that they weren’t able to implement their character designs in their first batch as their factory did not have the necessary capacity and reserves. It’s unknown if more dolls in this line will be released.

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Kids Hits's response to the whitewashing controversy

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Videos shown here are advertisements, company-created reviews and reviews by toy reviewing associations.

User submitted videos

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