DesignaFriend Kimomo Outfit

Outfit nameKimono Outfit
Release year2020
CompanyKid Kreations for Chad Valley
Retail price£13.00
Fits18 inch dolls
Charm included?Yes

Give your Designafriend something unique and beautiful for their collection with this stunning Kimono outfit. It includes a pink T-Shirt, knotted pink headband, denim shorts with bow detail and the printed chiffon kimono with tassels. The outfit is topped off with pink leatherette sandals, giving your Designafriend pals a great, stylish look for the most sophisticated of occasions. Designafriend outfits are made to fit 18in/46cm dolls, but they are so versatile you can use them on most other dolls with the same dimensions. The Kimono outfit gives you a unique silver charm to be attached to the Designafriend bracelet and comes carefully packaged in a boutique style box with Designafriend wrapping paper. It also includes a handbag shaped swing ticket with images and information on the full Designafriend collection.

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