DesignaFriend Meredith

NOTE: This doll was sold as part of the 2017 Best Friends set alongside Aaliyah. Both dolls are based on real-life best friends who won a competition to be made into DesignaFriend dolls.

Release year2017
CompanyKid Kreations for Chad Valley
Collective retail price£39.99
Bundled withAaliyah
Body5 points of articulation, cloth body
EyesFixed, unblinking
Pierced ears?No

The Chad Valley Designafriend Best Friend Dolls Meredith and Aaliyah are without question best friends forever! These BFF’s love to do absolutely everything as a pair and always try to co-ordinate their clothing. Dressed wearing matching casual outfits, with absolutely lovely BFF heart shaped necklaces the Chad Valley Designafriend Meredith and Aaliyah Dolls are sure to be a big hit with your little one and her growing Designafriend doll collection. As you’d come to expect, these dolls are packaged beautifully in a pretty boutique style gift box with soft tissue paper.

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