DesignaFriend Tiffany Model

Release year2016
CompanyKid Kreations for Chad Valley
Retail price£49.99
Body5 points of articulation, cloth body
EyesFixed, unblinking
Pierced ears?Yes

The DesignaFriend Model Doll – Tiffany is the first DesignaFriend doll to have pierced ears. Tiffany is a trend setter with her super long incredibly soft and delicate wavy hair, comes dressed in a stylish evening gown with appropriate footwear, a cute clutch bag, lady gloves and low hanging gorgeous earrings. Also comes complete with a change of clothes for daytime lunging in the form of a snazzy T-Shirt, stylish jeans, shoes and simple stud earrings. Tiffany comes gorgeously packaged in a carry case with space for hanging clothes on one side and fold-out model runway on the other side. Includes a lovely charm bracelet for your little one adorned with a heart pendant. Your little one can keep all Tiffany’s appointments in check with the doll diary, which is also included.

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