Fox Galoob Always and Forever Anastasia

BrandGaloob Anastasia
Release date1997
Retail price$14.99-15.99 usd
Body8 points of articulation
Other Doll in SetDimitri
Hair TypeSaran
Collect item (19)

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2 thoughts on “Fox Galoob Always and Forever Anastasia”

  1. Does anybody know what color heels Forever & Always Anastasia originally came with? I am piecing this doll together from multiple lots and only one of them comes with shoes and they are yellow. Does anyone know if those are the heels that are supposed to come with her?

    1. Hi Adriana. This Anastasia doll does have yellow heels. If you’d like to double check the match you can check out the YouTube video “ANASTASIA: tutte le bambole GALOOB (Gig) RECENSIONE” by Latte e Cartoni. You’ll see her shoes at approximately 4 minutes & 20 seconds into the video.

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