Howleen Wolf
Daughter of the Werewolf
I’m howling to hit the Full Moon sale at the maul!
Age: 15
Freaky flaw: My hair. Sometimes it does what I want, sometimes it does what it wants and sometimes it does things that make both of us look bad.
Favorite food: Hot dogs.
Favorite activity: I love playing soccer. It’s so much fun.
Killer style: I like to call the way I dress “were-punk.” It’s like taking lots of different styles and mashing them together to make something totally new and creepy cool. Clawdeen says it always looks like I got dressed in the dark, but I like it and that’s all that matters to me.
Pet: Cushion is my pet hedgehog. She may be a little prickly on the outside, but she’s really sweet on the inside and that’s what matters.
Pet peeve: When I get treated like the little sister. I mean I am the little sister, but I’m not a baby anymore.