Daughter of the Phantom of the Opera
I just made a freaktacular fried peanut butter and banana sandwich and ate the whole dang thing.
Age: 15.. in phantom years.
Freaky flaw: I’m a bit of a diva and a perfectionist…okay more than a bit. Mostly, it’s just about my music though, which causes monsters to kinda lose their minds for a few days if they hear me sing live. My voice doesn’t have the same effect when you listen to it recorded.
Favorite food: Fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches, thankyouverymuch.
Favorite activity: Playing music and singing. What else is there to unlife?
Killer style: From the top of my hotrod red victory roll hairdo to the soles in my shoes—don’t step on ‘em—I’m a high-octane rockabilly phantom de force. I’ve also got this pitch-perfect beauty mark that starts on my face and ends in the ginchiest tat ever.
Pet: Memphis “Daddy O” Longlegs is my pet spider. Course he’s not like any other spider you’ve ever seen, unless you’ve seen one rocking a pompadour while playing a standup bass.
Pet peeve: I don’t like being told what to do—guess I’m hardheaded that way.
