Novi Stars S1 Mae Tallick

CharacterMae Tallick
BrandNovi Stars
Release dateJune 2012
Retail Cost$20
SeriesNovi Stars Series 1
Special FeatureHas a button on the side of her head that allows her to talk
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Retail Description (Amazon):

With her out-of-this-world fashion and fantastic design, the Novi Stars Mae Tallick doll offers plenty of interactive, imaginative fun for kids ages six and older. This distinctive Space Age-inspired doll is sure to charm with her colorful hairstyle, bow-shaped antennae, and robotic voice. A cute pet accessory is also included to accompany Mae Tallick on her interstellar adventures.
Mae Tallick says cosmic phrases in a robot voice when the button on her ear is pushed.


Includes Mae Tallick Novi Stars doll with removable fashion outfit, 8-Bit sidekick pet figurine, and glow-in-the-dark stand.

Mae Tallick’s Character Bio from Novi Stars website:

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