The Squadz Place – Tokyo Trends is made by the toy company Far Out Toys. They are small dolls with molded on hair and 5 points of articulation. The clothes are a rubbery plastic with slits in the back to take on and off. The packaging is shaped like a shipping container and double as a play area and storage. The dolls are semi blind packaged where the character always comes with the shown container and background. The semi clear plastic of the container makes it possible to know who is inside without opening.
Introducing the Far Out Toys Squadz Place – Tokyo Trends Surprise Dolls! Get ready for an exciting surprise with our unique collection of dolls inspired by Tokyo streetwear fashion. Each blind pack contains a surprise doll with its own distinctive vibe, fashion sense, and personality. Unbox the excitement and discover a world of fashion-forward surprises! The container serves as a sleek tiny home, offering a stylish backdrop for your dolls’ adventures. With each doll, you’ll receive a furniture piece and two surprise fashion accessories that are unique to each character. Mix and match the accessories to create trendy and personalized looks for your dolls. The more dolls you collect, the more you can build your Squadz Place to match your vibe and showcase your unique collections.
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