Star Darlings is a brand of dolls created by the American toy company Jakks Pacific in 2015 and was continued in 2017. Star Darlings is a franchise created by Disney so some dolls were available at Disney stores.
There are 12 Star Darlings dolls to collect.
Starland is a series of Star Darlings dolls release in 2015. There are 5 Starland dolls. There are four distinct releases of these dolls all with different accessories and packaging but the dolls remain identical. See individual doll pages for more information
Wishworld is a series of Star Darlings dolls released in 2015. There are 4 Wishworld dolls. Two additional Wishworld dolls were planned for release but were cancelled.
The dolls listed below are unreleased. Information was gathered through store listings but the dolls never actually hit shelves.
Libby and Leona were planned to have Wishworld dolls and the prototype dolls were shown in stock image listings. Unfortunately the doll never hit shelves as Star Darlings was discontinued.
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