The Biggers is a doll line by Spanish company Berjuan. It was first released in 2019.
The Biggers, as characters, are small human-shaped creatures that feed on laughter and can only be seen by children. They are the fairies and gremlins that appear in stories and folk tales, and are recognizable by their distinctive eyes.
The Biggers dolls are 32 cm tall and have 5 points of articulation. They can share clothes with Anekke. Baby Biggers, released in 2020, are 14 cm tall. Some doll outfits were available for purchase separately.
In 2021, Berjuan launched a new limited series of The Biggers dolls based on celebrities, as part of their Luxury Dolls line. Berjuan’s Luxury Dolls are 35 cm tall and have 13 points of articulation.
In 2022, Berjuan released 5 dolls based on Alyssa Anguria of the Silvia and Kids YouTube channel. They were made for the Italian market.
The Biggers
Clothes & Accessories
The outfits for each character are also available for purchase separately, not including the shoes. Note that the outfits were redesigned in the first half of 2021.
Only some of the outfits appear in catalogs and in Berjuan’s website. However, several online retailers have listings for the “missing” ones.
Baby Biggers
Luxury Dolls
Official imagery

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Official videos
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User submitted videos
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