Zag Heroez Miraculous


Zag Heroez Miraculous (also known as Miraculous Ladybug and Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir) is a popular animated series and merchandise line that follows the adventures of two Parisian teenagers, Marinette and Adrien, who transform into superheroes, Ladybug and Cat Noir, to protect their city from supervillains. With a mix of action, humor, and romance, the show has gained a large fanbase and offers a diverse range of products, from toys and clothing to accessories and collectibles.

As a Doll Franchise

The Miraculous dolls have been primarily handled by Bandai and later Playmates Toys starting in 2021. The most notable difference between the two brands is Marinette having shorter pigtails in the Playmates dolls.


Official Imagery

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Official Videos

Videos shown here are advertisements, company-created reviews and reviews by toy reviewing associations.

User Submitted Videos

Review videos of the Miraculous dolls will be posted here. If you’d like your review featured please contact us if you’d like to request placement. We reserve the right for ANY reason to ignore or deny requests for placement on the site. As these videos are hosted off-site and are not created by Dollect, viewer discretion is advised. We are not responsible for the content of the videos.

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