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Caroline SimoneauxOffline

    Got her a week ago! Love her but it took a lot of patience to pluck the tinsel out.

    Very nice!!

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    Cozy in Pink View Comment
    • @carosimoneaux
    • December 15, 2023

    Thank you! I'm very happy with the way her black lipstick and nail polish came out and I love putting her in light pink or white to contrast it.

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    Cozy in Pink View Comment
    • @carosimoneaux
    • December 15, 2023

    Thanks! I bought RH Sabrina St. Cloud's outfit on ebay last year when I got my signature Draculaura for Christmas and it was definitely worth it!

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    A Vintage Barbie Christmas Party View Comment
    • @carosimoneaux
    • December 15, 2023

    Thank you! Yeah i think Midge might be the peacekeeper of this group lol.

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