Super cute!

Wow, what a beautiful doll! Thanks for sharing, I've never seen her before, but she's def earned a spot on my "want" list 😊

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Carmen Major outside View Comment
  • @urnxo
  • August 2, 2023

I agree, she is super pretty! And great picture, looks like a lovely spot. ?

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Hi Barbie! View Comment
  • @urnxo
  • July 27, 2023

Thanks so much!! And it's a great purse, I can see why it was your favorite ?

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Hi Barbie! View Comment
  • @urnxo
  • July 25, 2023

Thank you so much! We've had lots of sun here lately so wanted to take advantage of the nice lighting ?

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Rose of the Abyss
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Michelle W.
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