Made 2 Order Cup O’ Style

The Made 2 Order, Cup O’ Style doll line was manufactured by the toy company Just Play in 2024. Designers include Garret Sander, Linda Panda, and Kellee Riley.
Fashion makes a stylish rendezvous with ramen inside every Made 2 Order Cup O’ Style container. Discover 1 of 6 collectible, deliciously-styled dolls, each inspired by trendy ramen flavors. To cook up a great time, peel the lid and expand the chopsticks. Add flavor packets and room-temperature water to mix a bubbly liquid. Poke around with the chopsticks to discover unique surprises in the noodles. Then, discover a beautiful 4.1-inch-tall doll. Stretch, squeeze and style the ramen noodle-like hair.
Series 1 includes Whitney Wasabi, Piper Pumpkin, Rory Rainbow, Saki Sakura, Tori Tomato, or Teia Tropical, each ready for play or display. Reuse the container as both a pretend spa and storage for all items. For maximum ramen fun, collect all 6 (each sold separately).
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