7 thoughts on “USER POST: Photoshoot with Cleo”

    1. Thank you! We absolutely did. Weather was really weird around that time (literally a few days of nice weather before going back to grey skies and wind lol) so I got lucky then lol

        1. One tip that came from the top of my head is about lighting. I know during this photoshoot (and another I had with Natasha Zima from RH), lighting was very tricky since sometimes either you can’t see the doll or it makes the shadows/lights a bit too sharp than what I personally want. One way to fix this is by tapping on the screen before the photo is taken. If you tap on a lighter area, it may brighten the screen a bit and vice versa. Samsung also has a pretty decent photo editing system built in and I used that to adjust some of the colors and lighting. Another tip is to take multiple pictures of the same scene from different camera angles so that you can come back to them to pick the best ones. You can also turn the phone upside down or sideways to adjust the camera orientation and it does bring a subtle difference to the picture. A good chunk of the pictures here had different versions that didn’t make it here since they didn’t make a connection with me. I hope this was helpful! This is pretty wordy so if you’re confused on anything let me know

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