

Fulla (فُلَّة) is a doll brand created by the United Arab Emirates-based company NewBoy FZCO in 2003 (the company was originally Syrian). The brand is ongoing though much less popular than it once was.
The brand slogan is “حلم كل فتاة عربية” (“Every Arab girl’s dream”) and is mainly sold in Middle Eastern countries and others with large Muslim populations. Most Fulla dolls are hijabi girls earning them the nickname “Hijarbie”.
Fulla is very well merchandised and represented through physical and digital media – with a popular magazine (started in 2006), animated series, an app and more. There is also a merchandise line featuring Fulla and friends.



Fulla Fashion Collection
Doll 1
Doll 2
Doll 3
Doll 4
Doll 5
Doll 6


(under construction, scans pending)


(under construction – scans pending)
Fulla Doll with Abaya (Outdoor Fashion – New Abaya)
Dolls are packaged in the “Fulla Style Collection” outfits – they wear a mystery outfit from the below dolls.
Outdoor Fashion Pink
Outdoor Fashion Purple
Fulla Style Collection
These outfits appear again as mystery outfits for the above dolls (Fulla doll with Abaya)
Nada and Yasmeen Fashion dolls Assortment
Nada 1
Nada 2
Yasmeen 1
Yasmeen 2
Singing dolls
“I really sing! Available in 3 colours with extra long soft hair.”
Fulla Fashion Collection
Fulla 1
Fulla 2
Fulla 3
Fulla 4
Fulla 5
Fulla 6
Your Gift from Fulla
Fulla with Fab Hair Accessory 1
Fulla with Fab Hair Accessory 2
Fulla with Fab Keychain 1
Fulla with Fab Keychain 1
Fulla with Abaya Set
Advertised with close-up of sleeve embroidery
Abaya with Pink Indoor Fashion
Abaya with Blue Indoor Fashion
Fulla Walking doll
The doll with cart is also listed in the 2006 catalog but is first listed in the 2005 mini catalog packaged with dolls.
Walking doll
Party Dress Walking doll
Fulla doll with Watch
These dolls are also featured in the 2006 catalog
Blue Watch
Red Watch
2005 Fulla Outfit Assortment
Outfit 1
Outfit 2
Outfit 3
Outfit 4
Outfit 5
Fulla Room Assortment
It is unconfirmed if these sets come with a Fulla doll – they likely do not.
This assortment is also listed in the 2006 catalog but is first listed in the 2005 mini catalog packaged with dolls
Couch and Lamp
Dresser and Chair
Bed and Lamp
Closet and Lamp


Doll images from 2006 are courtesy of @/onF7Ej8L1qWEueB on Twitter. View them in the 2006 catalog here.
Fulla Fashion Doll 2 Assortment
Doll 1
Doll 2
Doll 3
Doll 4
Doll 5
Doll 6
Nada and Yasmeen Fashion dolls 2 Assortment
Nada 1
Nada 2
Yasmeen 1
Yasmeen 2
Fulla Brother & Sister
Bader 1
Bader 2
Noor 1
Noor 2
Fulla Abaya Set 2 Assortment
Fulla with Abaya assortment
***Note that FULLA APPEAL ASSORTMENT are the “mystery” fashions included with these dolls.***
Blue Flowers
Pink Flowers
Fulla Appeal Assortment
***Note that FULLA with Abaya Assortment (ABOVE) are the “packaged looks” for the Appeal Assortment***
Prayer sets
Morning Prayer
Sleeping Prayer
Fulla with Accessories 2006 Assortment
Fulla with Headband
Fulla with String Belt
Fulla with Story Pen
Fulla with Glitter Gel
Fulla with Bead Bracelet
Fulla with 2 PVC Bracelets
Fulla Soft doll Assortment
Soft Doll 1
Soft Doll 2
Soft Doll 3
Soft Doll 4
Soft Doll 5
Soft Doll 6
Other dolls
Fulla Head
Winter Singing doll
Fulla Teacher
2006 Fulla Outfit Assortment 6
Outfit 1
Outfit 2
Outfit 3
Outfit 4
Outfit 5
Outfit 6


Here you will find images of Fulla dolls!

Official imagery

Images posted here are official promotional/stock images created for Fulla!

User uploads

These images were uploaded by users of the site! If there’s nothing here then no images have been uploaded yet. Please note that these images are the intellectual property of those who posted them and they are not for free use unless stated in the post description! Clicking the images or their titles will take you to a separate page with the information about the photo.


Here you will find videos of Fulla dolls!

Official videos

Videos shown here are advertisements, news stories, company-created reviews and reviews by toy reviewing associations.

Videos by users

Review videos of Fulla dolls will be posted here. If you’d like your review featured please contact us if you’d like to request placement. We reserve the right for ANY reason to ignore or deny requests for placement on the site. As these videos are hosted off-site and are not created by Dollect, viewer discretion is advised. We are not responsible for the content of the videos.

Special thank you to Instagram user Bibrahim_sd and Twitter user onF7Ej8L1qWEueB for assistance with Arabic language writing, sourcing images and providing extra information.

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