ori replied to the topic Resources and Patterns in the forum The Wardrobe Department (Doll Clothing Makers) in the group The Wardrobe Department (Doll Clothing Makers)
Is there a list anywhere for fabrics to use on doll scale? I know the way fabric lay and the thickness of it can be very different on a smaller scale so I was wondering if there was a resource that goes into detail with this.
ori joined the group The Wardrobe Department (Doll Clothing Makers)
Caitlin joined the group The Wardrobe Department (Doll Clothing Makers)
E replied to the topic FailFix Dolls in the forum Moose Toys Dolls in the group Moose Toys Dolls
I wish their clothes were better quality, but otherwise I really like them. Love their faces and their insert eyes and the outfit designs themselves are good.
I only started collecting dolls recently, but I bought a couple of these off ebay and was do please to get the evening look for preppi posh! Her evening makeup is so cute! I wish they…Read More
Jobee replied to the topic Introduce Yourself! 🙂 in the forum The Wardrobe Department (Doll Clothing Makers) in the group The Wardrobe Department (Doll Clothing Makers)
Hello, I’m Jobee, she her pronouns, and I’ve been making doll clothes since I was very small, but they weren’t very good when I was really small, I’ve gotten better, as you can imagine. I started making doll clothes with my mother’s fabric scraps because she is a seamstress and did a lot of sewing when I was growing up. I’d say I’m an i…Read More
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