1990 Teresa Face Mold
In 1991, Mattel introduced a new unique face sculpt for Barbie’s Hispanic friend, Teresa, whose dolls had previously used a generic Hispanic/Spanish mold. The first dolls to have the 1990 Teresa face sculpt were Rollerblade and Rappin’Rockin’ Teresa respectively, even though their promotional pictures featured the Steffie sculpt. With this sculpt, Teresa’s skin tone has varied throughout the years, sometimes being very pale and sometimes not. In addition to being the first named Latina character in the Barbie franchise, it has been confirmed via the Dream Besties web series Teresa’s ethnicity is specifically from Zacatecas, Mexico. Teresa received a new face sculpt in 2006, but because of its poor performance, the company chose to use a sculpt frequently used for Summer dolls for her until the 2014 Neysa face sculpt became her primary face. Despite the 1990 Teresa face mold no longer being used for the character, this sculpt has continued to be used for a variety of both collector and playline dolls.